Sunday, June 26, 2011

First blog attempt EVER.

Alright. So here we go. Nothing too fancy yet, just trying to get my bearings and get a feel for this blogging adventure I'm/we're about to embark upon. Please feel free to leave comments/questions/ thoughts/remarks/hate mail/death threats.. ya know.. whatever, we're all strangers here.

I know there are about 100 million and 1 people in the world that have blogs, that share their thoughts, their feelings, and opinions on things varying everywhere from politics, to entertainment, to relationships. I'd like to think I'll be doing a little of everything. It's my hope that I can somehow connect and relate to others out there in this seemingly ever-advancing world of technology. It seems like everyone these days has such varying views on so many different subjects. Everyone wants their voice to be heard, to throw in their two cents. No two people can agree on everything, and I think, in some weird way that it's what makes the world so beautiful to me. I know right? My first blog and I'm already getting sentimental here. But hear me out, okay?

Everyone is so busy arguing and fighting over who's opinion is more valuable or valid but no one steps back to really appreciate the fact that although their opinion might not match yours, it's usually coming from a good place; and let's be honest, there's normally more than one solution or answer to most things anyways. It normally comes down to one thing: Who's ego is the biggest? Who's balls carry the biggest load? Who. fucking. cares. In most countries, arrogance isn't something to be proud of. The quicker people learn to deminish the size of their egos, the quicker and easier it becomes to have appreciation for other's opinions. Life is beautiful because of diversity, and that goes for all aspects. I mean, no one ever wants to see the same genre of movie everytime they go see a movie! Sometimes it's a comedy, sometimes it an action! The same shared opinion would make life boring, and no one wants a boring life.

So yes, I am going to share opinions on here. No, I'm not going to filter my language or thoughts. And yes, I go into this knowing that not every single person is going to share the same opinion or belief and I'm okay with that. Hopefully you will be too.